
Flow Systems Inc. is an experienced distributor of process control valves
from leading manufacturers.

Harbonim Valves

Habonim Valves

Leading manufacturer of ball valves. Each valve is made to strict technical specifications for any type of applications. Also complex, and diverse custom-designed package solutions, for industries that need valves with low temperatures such as: Liquid Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, etc. Specialty high pressure 6000PSI cryogenic valve with Grayloc® machined ends (no welded hubs).

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Flo-tite Valves

Flo-Tite Valves

High quality ball valves available in CS and SS or all SS. ISO pad valves for direct actuator mounting. 3-piece, flanged and economy.

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ABZ Butterfly Valves

ABZ Butterfly Valves

2" to 24" Butterfly Valves for food & beverage, high purity, general industrial, and HVAC applications. Lugged or wafer style with cast iron, aluminum or 316SS bodies available. Teflon, EPDM, Epoxy or Buna-N coated discs available, as well as 17-4 pH SS, 316SS, ductile iron, aluminum bronze. Teflon, chlorobutyl, white buna and Viton® faced seats, as well as BUNA-N, EPDM seats also available. Easily automated. ANSI ISO 300 and 600 lb. High performance BFV's in both double and triple offset design.

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Force Ball Valves

Force Ball Valves

FORCE valves are utilized widely in oil & gas, petrochemical industry and chemical processing plants worldwide. The wide experience gained by FORCE valves in designing and manufacturing permits to supply the finest in cast steel and forged steel vavles with all the qualities to meet the most stringent requirements for industrial applications. Both floating ball and trunnion valves available.

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SVF Flow Controls Valves

SVF Flow Controls, Inc.

Large inventory of 1/4" through 8" ball valves, 150# & 300# flanged CS X SS, all SS, threaded end & socket weld, also available. 3-way diverter valves, high pressure (to 6000 psig) ball valves, instrument ball valves, sanitary end ball valves, steam jacketed valves, special chlorine valves, exotic metal, v-seat control valves & steam service valves.

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Contromatics Valves (Brand of Circor Energy)

Contromatics (Brand of Circor Energy)

2-piece, 3-piece CS x SS, all SS ball valves. We can supply all the internal goods (kits, ball, stem, etc.) for the old "A" , "B", "C" & "B/C" series valves. We can also supply piston "O" rings, end cap seals, pistons, Amalgon cylinders for obsolete "B" and "SR" actuator sizes 200 through 800. We also provide parts for "old" Contromatics ball valves and actuators that have been obsolete since the 1980's.

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Essex Fire Safety Valves

Essex Industries, Inc. Valves

Only Factory Mutual Approved fusible link fire safety valves available in U.S. Thermal or electrically linked actuators for fire-safe ball or HP butterfly valves. Complete setups available or retrofit to existing or dealer purchased fire-safe valve. ONLY fusible link FM Approved actuator that does not require annual replacement of fusible links to maintain the FM Approval.

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Linatex Valve Liners

Linatex Valves

Superior performance replacement Linatex rubber wear liners for valves, available to fit both Linatex and other manufacturers' designs.

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QSM Valves

QSM Valves

QSM has the latest techniques in technology and precision machining to manufacture all types of quality valves. All SS flanged, 2-piece, 3-piece with ISO pads for direct actuator mounting plus sanitary and 3-way valves.

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Trans-Valve Ball Valve


Economy all SS. 3-piece ball valves with direct actuator mount ISO pads. NPT or socket weld ends.

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